Sunday, June 10, 2012

graduation day

I was on a plane during the commencement for last quarter, so I got to walk in yesterday's graduation & I'm so, so happy I did! It was such a perfect day--my family arrived in the morning armed with homemade quiche & chocolate pie, fresh fruit, flowers, champagne and wine, and so much excitement and pride. I got to walk with my roommate & fellow Creative Writing major/blogger Angela, see my best guy friends after (boys armed with flowers--just killed me), celebrate at my favorite local brewery with my family, and go out with my best friends after an evening cat nap. Not to mention the 2 am chocolate pie we shared.  

dress: Target, shoes: Old Navy


Jenny sellers said...

Gosh! I never realised you were so tall!!! How tall are you? Xx
Ps. Love the dress, looks great under your robe, it really 'pops' (which I guess is why you chose it)

Anonymous said...

Haha i love that video! Congrats! Lovely pictures :)


Miranda said...

Congrats!! I looove your shoes. And your dress :)

eliz said...

Congrats...I knew your dress looked familiar...I saw it @ target and since I am addicted to their dresses I tried it on. You look great!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! What an exciting day and the perfect dress to celebrate in.


Chloë, Wardrobe Quarry said...

Congratulations on the graduation. Your dress is so pretty.

By the way, I am following you now, please come visit my blog. Wardrobe Quarry

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

I love your dress. You look great! Congratulations on your graduation!

Nikki said...

Congratulations!! you looked so lovely:) Xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Love the dress and that picture of you sitting on the sign with a balloon is so adorable! :)

Say x

alissa b said...

CONGRATS! These photos are great and I simply love how cute you look sitting on the Humanities sign :)

aaah, bye bye college!

great post!

alissa b

Olga said...

Such a cute outfit!


Graduation definitely needs to be made into a bigger deal in England, looks like so much fun! You look gorgeous too, the stripe dress is to die for! xx

ShyScout said...

Congrats on graduation and walking. It sounds like you had such a special day :] I love your dress!!

bridget anne said...

congratulations, honeybear! and your shoes are so, so cute!

Theresa said...

Ah, congratulations! That's super exciting!
Now, little question, can I borrow that dress sometime? It's so cute! xx

Jamie Rose said...

Yay!! Congratulations on your graduation! That's awesome!
Also your striped dress is so cute and I'm loving that picture of you on the humanities sign.

Becoming Refined said...

Love the colorful dress, the fit is great on you!

eleanor said...

Aw, congratulations!! What an awesome achievement, and you looked beautiful!

Your outfit could not have been more perfect. I love that dress and so wish we had Target here - I would buy it so fast! Plus now I really feel like chocolate pie... ;)