Monday, April 8, 2013

life is the busiest it's ever been. the last quarter of my internship is filled to the brim, and planning for the next stage of life is in full swing (california continues to hum my name..). yesterday was a busy, busy Sunday, but in the best way: photos & video editing & vintage measuring filled my day. my sweet, handsome boyfriend wandered over with face-kisses every now and then. I took a break to make quinoa & brussel sprouts sauteed with bacon & garlic. The hours went quickly, but were spent well. 

Making time for creative endeavors fills me with satisfaction & peace. 
six new spring pieces added to the shop here. xo! 


Angela said...

Yay for vintage! Lettts talk about your California plans! Are you going to live with your sister? Some days I'm so ready to up & leave and others I think I'm staying in Seattle for good--I wish I had a plan!

alissa b said...

California plans!!!...can't wait to hear where you start your next chapter. i'm so excited for you :)

alissa b